Marvin Kathusing
44 years
- Nederlands
- English
The 43 years old Marvin has been missing from The Hague since April, 2, around 08.00 hrs. He may have left in the direction of the Laakkwartier in The Hague. Marvin can be recognized by his sturdy figure. He wears dark trousers, a dark-colored shirt and black sneakers with white stripes.
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If you have any information on the whereabouts of this missing person, please contact the police at 0800-6070. From outside the Netherlands, please dial: +31793459876.
- Name:
- Marvin Kathusing
- Current age:
- 44
- Length:
- 180-190 cm
- Hair colour:
- Black
- Eye colour:
- Brown
- Sex:
- Male