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Questions about corona and policing

The Netherlands is going to open up again. Not all at once, but in 3 stages. After the last stage, we will remove this page. All info can be found on Rijksoverheid.nl. This page has been updated on the February 21, 2022.

Questions about rules and fines

On February 25 (the last step) the government will lift the following requirements: 

  1. wearing face masks while walking around bars and restaurants, schools and shops
  2. keeping the safe distance of 1,5 meters

At the moment these 2 rules can still lead to a fine of 95 euros.
After February 25, there is no role anymore for the police. Other than the normal roles. From that moment on, we will delete this page.

How we, as police, can protect ourselves and others

Protective gear
Each police car has a package containing surgical masks and medical gloves, among other things. The police use these, for instance, when officers have to visit a location where an infected person may be present, or for resuscitation. Of course there isn’t always time to put on gloves during an arrest. This means we are running an increased risk, but that comes with the job. We always wear gloves when conducting a body search. In addition, we have hand sanitizer with which we can clean our hands after a reported incident. We also have coveralls and glasses that we can wear when performing resuscitation. 

The police follows the advise given by the Dutch National Board for Resusciation. We do that because it is too hard to judge if victims carry the virus or not. The national advise at the moment is to be reluctant with mouth-to-mouth, BUT leaves us the professional freedom to do chose otherwise. We will always do breast compressions! 

More information on website government

In case you have a question that is not answered on this page, please check the website of our government:https://www.government.nl/latest/news/2022/02/15/3-steps-to-reopen-the-netherlands